Thursday, November 1, 2012

Recruiting Vs Team Building

In the world of online business marketing, the one deterrent for acquiring new recruits for any business/venture opportunity is fear of the prospect. Fear of not finding anyone to join their business is at the top of a prospects mind set. There is good reason for this with the large amount of scams that are out there and how many times one has been frustrated by broken promises. So what or how should one who desires to get into a promising business opportunity approach this dilemma? Let us look at the difference between recruiting versus a team building approach and then you be the judge.

First, recruiting involves just one person, whether experienced or not, who must bring to their opportunity as many as they can find into their down line. They alone are responsible for this task. If they are inexperienced, this is very hard, as they must locate one by one each person, convincing them that the opportunity is worth their time and investment. It is easy to see why this type of business building approach doesn't work and why a down line can quickly fade into nothing, as it is a slow process. Also, the marketing options available can be both time consuming to learn as well as expensive. And most people being solicited have been spammed so many times with opportunities, it is amazing there are any fish still in the pond that are even vaguely interested.

The team building approach can offer to a prospective business seeker a more promising outlook for any business opportunity they are looking at and here is why. Often called a "co-op", this method is far more easy at gathering and building a down line that will last and also create productivity as well as motivation. Productivity is often spurred on by motivation and knowing that all others are working as a team for the benefit of the team is a highly motivational selling feature of the team building method. Effective marketing techniques are initiated and put in place by the leadership who have the knowledge and experience, i.e. email marketing campaigns, SEO, ezine articles, etc. The creation of coherent instructions are presented that all agree on and a continual avenue of feedback from the down line is allowed to flow freely.

The obvious difference between the two is that one is reliant on the soul person and the other is a team effort. Where a program opportunity has the team building method of creating a down line in place, it stands a much better chance of longevity and therefore success. Unless an individual already has a significant down line established, the single person recruiting method is not recommended. From my experience in this industry, most recruiters who have established down lines know this to be true, but rarely do they divulge this truth. They attempt to convenience any they bring in that they can be successful on there own, learning all the marketing methods available and this is simply not true for the vast majority of newbie's. It therefore is critical that these professional guru's present only authentic programs to their existing down lines, otherwise they would quickly lose credibility and eventually a successful personal branding.

An online business entrepreneur for over 10 years. Building websites, writing articles, blogs, creating and moderating numerous forums in the online business marketing arena.

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