Thursday, November 1, 2012

How To Be Debt Free In Five Years

Most of us live in debt. Apart from basic living expenses, there's the mortgage, car repayments, children's education and credit cards. All of these require regular monthly repayments, and it can be financially and emotionally draining, especially when you are faced with an unexpected expense as well. The car breaks down or the house needs maintenance. Perhaps you become ill and there are expensive medical bills and hospital fees. How do you cope with all this added expense, especially if you can't work for a period of time?

The ideal situation to eliminate the panic of unexpected bills, is to first become debt free and second to create a regular reliable income that will ensure you don't have to worry about not having enough money.

So your goal is to be debt free in five years. How are you going to do it? The answer: By using the business concept of the 21st century. Network marketing.

Before you start coming up with 20 reasons why not, consider the following. Home based businesses are becoming extremely popular and there is serious money to be made. Especially if you choose a business that provides a residual income. With a recurring income business your income gradually grows, and will keep growing and this is how you create your regular reliable income. Unlike linear income which stops coming when you stop working, residual income keeps coming in month after month, long after the work you did to create it.

Starting your home business is the first step, but there are several others you need to take in order to become debt free. You will need to change a few things.

Your attitudeYour valuesYour way of thinking

If you want to be debt free in five years, then you must make the decision to change these three things. These three aspects are what rule most of your decisions. So if your attitude is negative, then you will not succeed. if your attitude is lazy you will not succeed. If your attitude is to give up easily, you WILL NOT succeed. But, if your attitude is positive, powerful and persistent, then you will have success. Your values are also a strong contributor to how you will or will not succeed. if you have low self-esteem and don't value yourself then you cannot expect to win. You must like yourself, respect yourself and have faith in your strength and abilities. Lastly, you must change your way of thinking. If you always tell yourself 'I can't', or 'it can't be done', or talk yourself out of a situation for fear of what may or may not happen, then you will never move forward.

It won't be easy, the hardest thing to do is change ourselves, but although it is hard in the beginning, it does get easier, and if you work on yourself everyday, you will eventually not have to think about it at all, it will happen naturally. In a nutshell - you need to think, act and live like a winner and you will become a winner. You become what you think about most of the time. So if you think about being in debt and not living the life you really want, then that is what you will get. But, if you think about being out of debt, having money, and the lifestyle you want, then you shall receive.

The most successful business people in the world will all tell you they did not get rich working at one job from 9 to 5. They worked hard for their fortunes, and they created multiple sources of income. But the first thing they did was improve themselves and they kept improving, growing and learning, and still are today.

If your goal is to be debt free in five years, make the decision to improve yourself, do some personal development growth, either reading books or listening to audio cd's. perhaps attend a seminar or get a personal coach. Then put your new outlook on life to work, with a home based business that offers a residual income. If you have the passion, determination and desire, and you believe in yourself, then you will succeed.

I am an independent business owner with a company that offers an outstanding compensation plan that includes residual income and provides a personal development program. I have learnt a lot about myself, especially how to change my outlook on life, and think like a winner. Starting my home business is the best decision I have made, and I now have a lifestyle complete with opportunities and money. I am well on my way to my goal of debt free in five years. Why not take action and join me, your life will be enriched.
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