Saturday, October 13, 2012

Using Facebook For Product Launches - The Element of Disguise

Social media sites like Facebook are a great way to promote a product, but only if you do it correctly. It's too easy to over step your bounds and risk losing friends and being labeled as a spammer. You probably know that most people don't want to buy things from a social networking site: they are there to have fun, learn new things and find like-minded friends to interact with. When most people try and advertise a product, they are met with resistance. It's usually because of these three things:

* It's in your face
* It's unsolicited
* It has nothing to do with any topic being discussed

That doesn't mean however, that your friends don't recommend great products and services to their friends. That happens all the time. Sometimes you don't know it's even happening. That's the sign of an expert marketer. Discussions and resource sharing are two of the biggest assets of a social network; how much can I learn from others and can I put in my two-cents worth? What most marketers don't realize is that they can disguise the launch of a major product using these two elements of social media without making anyone angry. And angry is not a good thing for promotions or anything else for that matter.

You can be the 'go-to' guy for information and resources. You can be the expert that people trust. You can promote a product or service on Facebook successfully because of it. And you don't want to just jump in there the minute your product comes out. A successful launch is planned out carefully, sometimes weeks ahead of time. Using other social sites such as Twitter and YouTube, all these elements can work in tandem with each other to create the highest visibility and buzz possible. These techniques will work for your affiliates as well, as long as you provide the videos, banners, graphics and training for them.

Social networking sites provide the elements that can make excitement possible: leaving comments, video uploading capability, news feeds, tagging and discussion forums. Even though the social media etiquette is that you shouldn't blatantly advertise products, these sites are tailor-made for making it as easy as possible to do so. Facebook is where all your friends are already at. There are millions of people logging-in everyday that can be turned into potential customers if you know the subtle ways of marketing to this largely untapped resource.

Advertising on Facebook is a daunting challenge, but can be done successfully with the correct product launch training and techniques that the biggest marketers are using right now. Don't jump in too soon, educate yourself for success.

View the original article here

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