Saturday, October 13, 2012

Have You Created a New Info Product Lately? How to Launch Faster and Avoid Overwhelm

I am often asked, "Linda how do you create a products or launch a service without getting overwhelmed and going a bit crazy?" Well creating a product or service for your business is a pretty simple process. But like any process knowing the steps is what makes the launch successful.

Done right, your products can help you meet and possibly even exceed your business goals. Information products are an excellent business tactic to connect with and help more clients.

The one thing I hear quite often is that, "I'm in a service business and I don't want to make a product, that's not what my business model is about." Here's the deal... you are one person and no matter how you look at it, your most precious resource... time is limited. And I believe if you have the passion to help others then it's important to help as many people as you can. Let's face it there's only so many hours in a day, and so many people you can help one-on-one. So what better way to help more clients then to provide information to give them what they want?

So here are a few things you can do to make your launch easy and simple by using a few strategies you are probably already doing.

Pick a date

Now I know this may not sound like a strategy but picking a date is probably one of the most important strategies you can take. Even before you begin working on the project pick a date for the product to be complete and work backward to figure out the launch date. A helpful hint in most cases you don't want to begin the actual promotion more than 2 weeks before you are ready to launch


Start warming up your prospects by writing a series of blog posts giving them a heads-up about your product that you will be releasing soon. Make sure you're giving useful and valuable information they can begin to use now. This will make them hungry for the actual product.


If you have a list, even a small one, begin to send them a series of email solo promotions just about the new product. Don't be afraid to give them a free taste of what's included and make sure you let your list know you understand their problem. Also include the benefits and why you are giving them a solution.

Practical Freebie

Giving a freebie is a great way to generate interest on a particular topic. It also leaves your prospects craving for more. So why not provide a:

• Free report

• Checklist

• Worksheet

• Flowchart

• Mindmap

• Template

They are easy and fun to create and your prospects will love you for them.

Social Networking

While there is a multitude of social media sites out there, spend your time focusing on the most effective and well-established tools - Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Create real buzz by letting your followers know what you're doing. Leading them back to the practical freebie. The whole key to creating effective buzz is focusing on your product unique benefits - the one that make it stand out from the competition.

Now you are ready to make your product launch sizzle, and none of it has to be hard. The more practical the strategies the faster the launch and the more clients you will be able to serve.

Small business expert and author Linda Hampton founder of "Attract Clients Out of Thin Air." Linda teaches smart, simple ways boomer women can use their skills, knowledge and experience how to attract more clients, create profit-making products and services, make more sales and ultimately live the life they desire and deserve. To learn more about how to Attract Your Ideal Clients sign up for more FREE tips like these, visit her site at:

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