Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I Have a New Product Now - How Can I Sell It Online?

The other day, I was talking to a gal who has a new invention, it's a great invention, but I am not at liberty to discuss it, because she hasn't got a patent yet. Indeed, she would like to sell it online, but doesn't know how. Perhaps you are in the same situation as an innovator, entrepreneur, or inventor. That's something that we are good at as Americans, coming up with original thoughts and new products.

Things that will solve problems for people and make their life easier, things which people desire, and they're willing to pay for. Best of all, you could be rewarded because we enjoy free-market capitalism to a large degree here the US. Now then, where should she go from here? Should she get her own website, one, which allows for e-commerce sales? Therefore she can take credit cards online, and then ship out the products?

Would it be better to let Amazon handle the whole thing, or eBay, and sell her wares online there, since they already have everything set up? Is it worth paying Amazon 30% to do this? Should she bypass that and get her own website saving that 30%? Well, there's lots of things to think about in this regard, for instance if you have your own website you don't have good cyber security, and a hacker comes along and steals all those credit card numbers, you just caused a huge problem for everyone that was ever bought anything on your website.

In this day and age it's almost impossible to keep everything safe, therefore selling on Amazon makes a lot of sense. Would it be better for her to get affiliate marketers, so they can sell her product on their websites as well? What if her product is so simple that others can copy it, how could she prevent them from stealing her design and selling it themselves, perhaps even for a lower price?

Even if she gets a website, how can she be sure that she will be drowned out by other people using the same keywords in the search engines? Worse, what if someone copies her product, ranks higher in the search engine, and is stealing her design? We know this happens all the time with big brand name products, so obviously it happens even more often with companies that can't defend themselves with patent attorneys to go after these folks who rip them off.

Yes, these are all things to consider in this regard, and how you approach your sales online is very important to how many products you sell, therefore how much money you make. If you go do all this and you don't make much money, why do it? And, there's a lot of competition out there. So, just because you have a great product, doesn't mean it will sell unless you can get people to come to your website, or find your products on Amazon through links from your website or social media page. Indeed I hope you will please consider all these things and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Innovation in America. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net/

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