Friday, October 26, 2012

How To Overcome Fear In MLM

So, if you have not realized it already approaching people about your network marketing business is not always a piece of cake. To overcome fear in MLM is one of the biggest challenges people in the industry face. I recall when I first got into the network marketing industry, I was terrified to talk to people. I constantly created excuses as to why I could not approach someone. What I would do is promise to myself, I was going to pique someone, and when the time came, I would be so stuck. My stomach would knot. Picking up the phone to call someone was also a terror. The phone would all of a sudden weigh one hundred pounds heavier... just way too heavy for me to lift.

That was my fear. Talking to others, Then I had to realize that in order for me to get comfortable with speaking to others, I had to practice. Plus, it is called network marketing for a reason. Don't forget that.

Are you Afraid?...

"You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
-Wayne Gretzky

To overcome fear in MLM you must overcome your inhibitions. Point. Blank. Simple. Get over it.

The only thing stopping you is you. Want something? You must go out and get it. Many network marketers make the mistake, of creating excuses for themselves. That is just fear stopping you. You have control over your actions. That should actually feel liberating. You have the absolute power to make moves or not to make moves.

Whether we are speaking in respects to acquiring business partners or customers- network marketing is clearly a numbers game, and rejection is part of it. It is the icing to the cake! Do not let it stop you. The more you get out of your shell, the more people you will network with. Eventually rejection will become insignificant to you. Talk to everyone.

Another way we can get over fear in MLM, is to have absolute confidence on what you are doing. See, when you really believe in what you are offering it will be easier to present it to others. It is not as frightening as your mind makes it seem. You are already in the "cool kids club", so if they are not interested in getting in business with you, that is their lost. Think about it that way. You are doing them a favor by letting them know about your opportunity.

What are you afraid of? Really think about it.

What is the worst that could happen? Nothing. That is what you have to keep in mind. Just do it. You will see after constantly connecting with others, it will become natural. Do not wait for the "perfect" pitch. There is no such thing. Take action.

Do you have a chicken list? That list of people you are scared of approaching about your business opportunity? You will never get overcome fear in MLM, if you leave them for last, or procrastinate to call, until you have the perfect pitch. Don't wait for that right pitch to come. It will come after practice.

So, you need two things in your voice (even if it is not real... yet)

1. Confidence
2. Assertiveness

With these two characteristics being reflected in your voice it will eventually become something real. Rejection will no longer be an issue. Turn Your Fears Into Results. Overcome fear in MLM by implementing this today. Just call your chicken list... now

Keep certain that continue to read content like this, that will enhance your networking skills and take action. That is the key. To learn more about taking charge in your MLM business visit the link at the bottom.

Check out Catherine's blog for free training webinars, access to top resources and other nifty stuff:

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