Friday, October 26, 2012

A Few Tips On Sales Prospecting

Prospecting for new customers is considered the most stressful aspect of business. Prospecting for new business is the name of the game. Prospecting needs to be a mindset, not an activity. Make it part of your everyday life. That's what separates the average and the successful. You never know where your next prospect will come from. The key is to have a qualified prospect in front of you. How else will you make the sale? That's why it's important to have a target market in mind. Who is your ideal customer? Who will be interested in your product/service? Successful prospecting knows who your target is. Here are a few tips for you to use whenever you are out prospecting for new customers.

1. Make prospecting apart of your daily routine. You must set aside a specific amount of time on a daily basis, prospecting for new customers. Activities such as phone calling, emailing, and building your social media presence makes the difference in prospecting. Make sure you are fully committed to the time you set aside so it becomes a habit. Educate yourself more on sales prospecting. Go to popular sites such as Business-Know-How to read great articles about sales prospecting. Stay focused and be serious about your prospecting; this is not the time to be making personal calls, playing internet games, or in the chat rooms. Unless it's a client or prospect, stay on schedule.

2. Be organized. Be sure to keep a lot of contacts and take good notes about your contacts in a computerized contact system. Ehow provides you with tons of articles to help you with organizing your business contacts. The system is helpful in keeping appointments and follow ups. Follow ups are vital in any business. The success rate is high when it comes to following up with potential customers.

3. Use a script but make it conversational. A script is to be used like a roadmap. It helps you stay on path of what you want to go over with the customer. Practice your script so it sounds smooth and natural. Do some role playing with close family and friends to help you build confidence and be more effective. Author Chukwuma Asala for Gaebler Ventures provides you with excellent advice on the importance of using a sales script. The purpose of prospecting is to gather information and make an appointment. For the sake of running an online business, the goal is to get your potential customer in front of the computer. Remember, seeing is believing.

4. When you have a prospect, contact them as soon as possible. Why? It's fresh in their brain. They contacted you likely for more information. Find out what caught there attention to make the call. It's a reason the prospect dialed your number. Always be proactive in prospecting. Keep in mind, you are only one of many competing interest for your prospects time and money.

5. Never speak down on your competition. Instead, show your potential customer facts and comparisons but avoid personal attacks on your competition. Emphasize to your potential customer your product/service benefits. Direct your prospect through a comparison of quality and price. This allows your prospect to come to their own conclusion from your well-performed presentation.

6. Don't get all twisted up by rejection. It's a part of the sales process. Take rejection as an opportunity to critique your presentation. Think about what you could have did better. Also, pat yourself on the back for the things you did well, even if you didn't get the sale. Don't just beat yourself up.

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