Friday, November 2, 2012

Empower Network: What You Need to Know

The Empower Network has taken the online marketing world by storm. By now, you have likely seen promises of earning thousands per month and 6-figure yearly income scattered throughout the internet. Probably promises of 100% commissions as well? Even if you have not until just now, I am sure that the last few sentences piqued your interest. Making that much money from your own home must amount to one big Empower Network scam, right? Everyone is willing to promise quick and easy success, but is it really possible?

If you are looking for a quick answer so you can get on with your day then, yes, the Empower Network is quite real and, yes, you can reach that level of income. You will indeed earn a 100% commission for every referral.

However, the Empower Network is much more than that. While the system itself is not complex, it is important to understand how it works to be able to fully maximize your earning potential.

To truly understand the Empower Network, you need to know what it offers:

A pre-formatted website and blog
Countless hours of training
Established marketing system

Sounds straight forward, right? Well, that is partly because it is. At its core, the Empower Network simply provides a platform for you to voice your message and a well-crafted system to market that message.

Right about now you are probably even less convinced that someone has made $30,000 in a month using the Empower Network. How can a simple blog possible turn into real money? Think about a the blog for a second. Without any means of enticing people to join, you will never even get going. Designing and maintaining your own website is not easy and having this already done allows you to focus on what matters most, generating content, driving traffic, and converting that traffic into profit.

The blog becomes less "simple" when you factor in the established marketing system. The Empower Network team puts capture pages and sales videos at your fingertips.

This, once again, saves you countless hours of work. Your leads get walked through the system by industry giants, and founders of the Empower Network, David Wood and David Sharpe. Like you and I, David and David build their business by converting leads into profit. Their expertise in the field and fantastic sales approach has led to a conversation almost 48% of the time! Of course, let us not forget what a conversion means for you: a 100% commission. The reason there are 100% commissions is because the "guys at the top" run their own business, making their own money and do not take a cut out of your hard earned money. David and David pride themselves on growing their established business the same way a newbie will start building their own.

100% commissions. Think about it: You make 100% commissions every time you make a sale. Such a thing was unheard of until now. In addition, you earn 100% residual income as well! Each month your referrals continue to earn you profit and as they start to refer people, your income will only grow. This is BY FAR the best compensation plan you will find for any program, but is the Empower Network right for you?

Quick summary:

You receive a blogging system to spread your message.
There is a pre-established marketing system to convert leads to profit.
You are offering the ability to earn 100% commissions while you do the same!
Each referral earns you an immediate commission and residual income.

Hopefully, those high dollar amounts from early do not seem so crazy any more. No other system in the world offers such a comprehensive, success oriented package. Combine the tools they provide with the with the ability to make substantial residual income and you have the opportunity to completely reevaluate your life.

As much as I would love you to immediately join my team, I do need to offer one warning: success is not automatic. When you dig the deepest into the system, you will quickly discover that this is not the get-rich-quick scheme you may have been hoping for (to my knowledge, no such thing exists and I am wary of anyone who tells me otherwise). HOWEVER, what the Empower Network does offer is the tools to build a long lasting, successful online business. The system is designed to help you succeed. Everyone is working to help you succeed because their success is directly related to your success. When you decide you are ready for success, it is definitely there for the taking.

Let's, for a moment, forget about the $30,000 a month. With no cap on the number of referrals or your commissions, the sky is clearly the limit, but curb that thought for a moment. Focus on what it would really take to change your life. How much would it take for you to just simply relax at home, free from the office, spending more time with your family? Now think about the Empower Network system and realize just how attainable that dollar amount is.

Success comes to those who take action! The Empower Network can literally change your life, but only if you take that first step and join. I can provide training and proven marketing techniques to help you build your business and earn you the money you need and deserve. Visit: to see more and join me in success!

View the original article here

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