Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Network Marketing Tips To Produce a Successful and Long Term Business

Chances are if you are reading this article about network marketing tips you already belong to a network marketing group or company. You may also be looking for ways to move beyond bugging your family, friends, co-workers and surrounding community. In other words your list is exhausted, so now what do you do? You could buy a list of contacts and begin cold calling or you could go to the mall and hand out flyers just to name a few. But, if you're like me these types of strategies do not excite you. In fact most people would rather continue on the path they are on than to do things like this and that is what typically happens. PEOPLE JUST GIVE UP. In this article I want to share with you some network marketing tips that will help you build a successful and long term business.

So how does one become successful in the industry?

Network Marketing Tip One:

You need to be involved in the right company. There are hundreds of companies with thousands of products to choose from so where do you begin. It's best to chose a company that has a product/service that will actually be useful to you and/or your customers. A good choice would be one that offers a product/service you would use or buy even if you weren't involved in that company. I'm a chiropractic physician who practices clinical nutrition and have reviewed many nutritional MLM products. Some are really good. However I think when push comes to shove these are not necessarily the best products. After a few months if a distributor is not making money they will find it hard to shell out the $50 to a $100 a month for something that they may not see as a necessity. I see this in my own office. No matter how much a supplement may or has helped a patient if they feel they can't afford it they won't buy it or will discontinue it's use. Weight loss however is a huge industry and I think this niche is a great one and works well in the MLM industry.

There are also other factors to consider when choosing a company like how stable is it? How long have they been around? How fast are they growing? Is there momentum and excitement? Does it have a great compensation plan? You have to look at the big picture.

Network Marketing Tip Two:

Build a business and not a down line. Most network marketing companies focus on building a down line. If you look at the top earners in MLM companies they build a business. They do this by offering tools to their group. Techniques that could be applied to any business model and everyone follows the same principles. It needs to be easy, simple and duplicate able. Companies come and go. But, if you build your business correctly if and when this happens you can simply dust yourself off, regroup and a few months later you are back in the saddle again going strong with a new company. If you just build a down line you have lost your paycheck. More on how to do this later.

Network Marketing Tip Three:

Find the most successful people in network marketing, find out what they are doing and duplicate it. There are a few commonalities that I have found among the top producers (1) They do some sort of attraction marketing which is the most powerful way to build a business (not just a down line). (2) They have their own websites with unique URL's and don't use the ones issued from their parent companies. These are just to name a few. I'll share some more ways to learn about these types of techniques later.

Network Marketing Tip Four:

Use the internet. There are so many ways to build your business online without ever having to do a party, contact your friends, family and neighbors. The internet, in my opinion, is a must if you are to build a strong and long term business. Think of how many people have smart phones, iPads and Notebooks these days. Everyone is one them and in most cases where people go for almost anything and everything they want to know. The internet is not just used for marketing and capturing leads but, it is also used to communicate with a group (maybe your group). Developing a Facebook group for your team is a good way to do this. You must approach the use of the internet correctly though. If you come across as a salesman or being too pushy you can destroy your business. This is where attraction marketing fits in.

Network Marketing Tip Five:

Treat it like a business. There is so much to learn initially that it is easy to get overwhelmed. There are literally hundreds of network marketing tips online that one could follow. Begin with one and master it. Then move to another. Your business needs time to grow. You will have to work hard at it for at least two years. So many people get discouraged because they thought they would get involved and in three months be rich. Living a life of total freedom is something that we might all be looking to achieve. Very few get to experience this in a few months. The rest of us have to work hard for two to five years. It's no different than a conventional business so learn to treat it like one.

Network Marketing Tip Six:

Don't quit your day job. At least not yet. You will know when it's time.

So those are a few network marketing tips that I use to build my businesses. Many of them I have carried over to my conventional business as a physician. I want to end this article with a little more on attraction marketing.

As I mentioned earlier you need to focus on building a business and not just a down line. It is imperative that the attraction marketing technique be used to do this. Regardless of what network marketing company you are associated with MLM Leads System Pro (MLSP) will help you accomplish this. So what is MLSP. It is a tool. A tool to promote your business, capture leads, build a list and get new sign ups on auto-pilot. It also offers nineteen additional streams of affiliate income, an additional residual income stream and branding for your own business.

Many of the top MLM producers, leaders and gurus have built their business using MSLP. In addition hundreds of hours of training videos with ideas you've never dreamed of. There are live training webinars, almost daily, which have the most successful people in the industry sharing what they do and how they do it. The best part is they want to help you do what they have done!

Why re-invent the wheel when you have successful people (some of which are millionaires) giving you the blueprint to how they did it! AND you can apply this information in ANY BUSINESS! It truly is an amazing tool. To learn more about using these secrets of success click on this link => to watch a few videos! It will blow you away! Blessings, Health and Prosperity.

View the original article here

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