Saturday, October 27, 2012

MLM Systems - Do They Work?

MLM systems can be found all around the internet. These not-so-unique programs have been around since before the internet, and they continue to be found all around us, even today. Many people have been drawn in by different MLM opportunities, but few have become truly successful. This raises some questions for me, and I'm sure for many of you readers.

Do MLM Systems Work?

Well for some, they have worked rather well. For many others, however, they have been a dismal failure. It makes me sad when I meet someone that has tried working an MLM system, but for some reason or another they did not achieve success, or in some cases didn't even make their original investment back. The reason it's sad to me is because I know the feeling all too well. I have been in the game for a few years now, and the beginning was a terrible time. I didn't know what I was doing, and I got very little help from the people in my upline. I was all alone and trying to figure out how to make this stuff work. I knew it could be done, but I just didn't know how to do it. Eventually, I started thinking that this business model could never work.

Then one day I discovered something. I was researching a company that sells health care products, as I was interested in losing a few pounds and getting healthy. As I was going through their business information, I came across some interesting facts. I won't say who the company is, but that's not important in the context of this article. What caught my attention was this:

They do over $5 billion in business per year.
They have helped thousands of people start successful home based businesses.
They sell a product that gets results.
They are an MLM system!

I really couldn't believe it. There I was researching a company that I had heard of for years, and I find out they are using the very same business model that I walked away from. I decided to look for other businesses using the same MLM business model. It turns out that there are a very large group of MLM systems that are everyday household names. I was, and I still am amazed by this fact, considering I had completely turned away from this type of business. I was also amazed to find out that there are literally hundreds of thousands of people making a decent living in their own home based businesses that all work on the MLM business model. Billions of dollars are exchanged every single year, and have been for many years past, in businesses that are based on this type of system. In short, what I have discovered is, yes, they do work.

Now, it is obvious that this type of business model will not work for everyone. Not everyone has the diligence and ambition to go out every day and meet new people, sell products, and build a productive downline, which are all factors in becoming successful in an MLM business. But for those of us that are willing to do these things, this business can really pay off.

Some Tips For Successful MLM Systems

If you are interested in looking into a business opportunity that uses an MLM system, you should research and really try to discover which one would fit your lifestyle. The best opportunities will be the ones that you are most interested in, not because of promised profits, but because of the products the business offers. In my case, I was looking for health care and weight loss products. I found some that worked very well (I lost 15 pounds in only 3 weeks... woohoo!) and the business offered a great distributorship program that can generate tremendous profits for me over time. You may not be interested in the same type of products, but there are other opportunities out there. So that is tip number one: find a product that fits your interest.

Many people lack the amount of money needed to invest in an MLM system. If this is the case, there are some very inexpensive programs to get into, and even a few that are completely free to join. Of course, these will not generate very much money in the beginning, but they can give you valuable experience, and they can eventually turn enough of a profit that will allow you to go for one of the higher paying opportunities. Tip number two is, look for the free or inexpensive MLM systems if you are not able to invest in the higher paying programs.

A blog can be the life or death of any MLM business. If you do not have one, it will surely mean certain doom for your business. If you do have a blog, and you post regularly, you may just get more business than you even hoped for. Blogs are the driving force behind every successful internet based business, especially if you're dealing with an MLM system. I certainly had no luck at all until I started my own blog. For the best results, you should register a domain name and get web hosting for your blog. The free options are great, and they do work well, but nothing beats a self hosted blog. It is yours, and you have complete freedom to make it look, feel, and act like you want. My final tip of the day is, if you don't already have a blog, start one.

That's all for now. I hope this article was helpful. Thank you for taking the time to read it.

Michael is an E-Learning course developer and internet marketing professional. To get free training or to learn more about successful internet marketing and multi-level marketing strategies, join the community at:

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