Sunday, October 28, 2012

Learn to Interact in Real Time With Your Leads/Prospects In 2013

A lot of marketers view being in an environment that poses real time interaction with their leads as a scary situation. This is common among those that don't have a huge following. More and more entrepreneurs are implementing being there for leads/prospects in an actual live atmosphere where they can engage the leads/prospects in a live environment. Hosting seminars is a great way to do this. If that's something you are comfortable with doing, I say go for it. The only downside to hosting seminars is that you would possibly be shutting out some of your followers that view you as their expert if they cannot attend those seminars.

Using a tool such as Ustream will allow you to attain that real time communication with your leads/prospects. Invest in a good webcam because you will be shown on that when using Ustream. This way your listeners can engage in chatting with you and others during the presentation. Now there are several marketers that are doing this the wrong way. Once they see words like presentation and seminar, they automatically assume that delivering a hard sale will be one of the things they have to do. Relationship building in 2013 is most certainly not about that at all. Building a solid trust and giving your leads/prospects value is what relationship building is about. You have to be available to them and open yourself up for any and all questions your followers may have. All they want to know is that you truly care about them and that you are not all about making a quick sale off of them.

Most of your leads/prospects have genuine questions that they are not able to find a solution to. That should not scare you at all. If they ask a question that you don't have the answer to, simply say "I'm not sure about that, but I will definitely find the answer for you" and then keep that promise and follow up with them once you have the answer.

Hosting live events is a brilliant tool that will allow you to grow your business. Case in point, someone may ask you a question about something you never even considered and that in turn opens up a new perspective to something like a new eBook or other idea that you've never thought of! Now you don't have to do live events very often. Scheduling at least one every quarter is a good idea. That way the questions build over time and new leads/prospects are invited to attend your events. Be sure to record your events and always share them with your future subscribers.

Over time some of you will grow and then be able to implement more and more real time options for servicing your leads/prospects. Some of these other options may include using HostGator and even GoDaddy. That would a superb accomplishment but don't feel left out if you simply cannot afford those means just yet. As time progresses, you will be able to eventually scale up. But you want to make sure that 2013 is the year that you step outside your comfort zone and think quick on your toes and get comfortable being in front of individuals, whether that is on a web cam or in person. This is not a beauty contest and people are only there to gain and share information, not to critique how you may sound or your looks.

Andrea Carter is an Internet and Network marketer. Find out how you can engage in more real time with your leads and earn money online as soon as today by simply visiting for more information.

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