Monday, October 29, 2012

Leads - Increase Leads For Success Part 1

Are you looking for creative marketing tactics to grow your business and increase leads? Seeking for tactics that will boost lead flow and provide an impressive outcome on your sales? If your business gets a majority of sales and/or leads via the Web, the next are ten great marketing tactics you can utilize to expand your sales NOW.

1. A Superior Product (or Service)

A gifted product (or service) is mightier than a gifted promotion campaign. This principle has built more fortunes than any other promotion insight which is why I listed it as 1. A superior product (or service) gives the absolute results in promoting and offering because if it is not in the product, it isn't going to be in the promotion either. In other words, if your product is not better than the competition's your promotion can't sincerely communicate any unique and advantageous qualities to your market. The better your product, the more persuasive your ads could be, and the greater your promotion success will be. You require a strategy; a unique and strong message, to win.

One alternative to position your product as being better than the competition is to make it unique and fill the void that your market wants with a Unique offering Proposition. For example, back when Federal Express started they knew the market desired faster packet shipping then the typical "4 to 6 weeks" delivery time. Federal Express (FedEx) filled this void and in turn dominated the packet shipping market with the next USP: "Federal Express: When it literally, beyond doubt has to be there overnight." The deployment of this USP authorized Federal Express to emerge as the prevailing leader in the industry, taking market share quickly, as well as increased its sales and profits. How can you position your product to be more advantageous than your competition's product?

2. Words That SELL

The most successful marketers know their market and how to sell to them. They comprehend who their purchasers are, which usual needs and goals they possess and the psychology of why they purchase. They use this information to enhance their promotion and website to "speak" to their market's desires and give them what they wish. This superior "Message to Market Match" produces their promotion and website produce more leads and sales than the competition.

You can utilize this tactic on our website with "Conversion Rate Optimization" (CRO). The CRO is the process of making your website produce more results by being more persuasive, more trustworthy and easier to navigate for your visitors so more of them find what they're seeking for and take action. The CRO is the fastest and easiest tactic for going up leads and sales produced from your website. Plus, it's the most recommended approach to significantly develop your leads and sales without having to invest a bunch of cash on expanding your website traffic. In truth, it's the first step that should be taken before expanding your targeted traffic.

3. A Newsletter

Sending an email newsletter is a strong way to hold on in touch with your purchases on a regular basis. By staying on their "radar," the odds are that they will recollect you first the following time they require a product or service you offer! In truth, a quality newsletter is possibly THE absolute customer retention tool accessible, and it costs markedly little to use. Plus, it can in addition be a proven Customer Acquisition Program it you use it properly.

A newsletter is not a new concept, it is easily an informative letter mailed to subscribers via email or print. For sure, your newsletter must have helpful content and information that is appreciated by your database of readers, otherwise people will unsubscribe by the masses. So, every couple or few weeks send out an "informative letter" covering areas of interest to your subscribers this includes helpful articles and recommendations, news, free stuff and singular offers.

4. Public Relations (PR)

Hiring a good Public Relations (PR) agency can really expand your business' visibility and profitability. A PR Agency's role is to get publicity for you by getting your news, press releases and articles in the media that your target market reads. The publicity will develop your visibility, credibility and sales.

For the absolute results with PR, go where your market is. In other words, get your message in the media that your purchasers read and watch. For example, the websites, online debate forums, magazines, newspapers, radio and TV show that your prospects use to get their news and information.

Hiring a PR agency who realizes the right journalists in your market is advantageous to you for the reason that they'll get your story covered in the media more often. Since most media outlets have websites, they'll publish your news online too! Often it's a good idea to take into service a talented PR firm AND an online marketer who realizes the Internet and is capable of getting your articles, news and press releases published online on Google News, Yahoo! News and your industry's news websites and online debate lists. This is a strong online / offline "1-2 punch" that will expand your visibility, website traffic and sales!

5. Search engine optimization (SEO)

More than 88% of all Internet users seek for websites, products and services by the usage of search engines and online directories. More or less 90% of the makes a click on the search engine results pages (SERPs) are on the most recognized 3 ranked websites (not the paid listings). Plus the most recognized sites are considered "more trustworthy" and there are no pay-per-click fees incurred which means plenty of low-cost high-quality visitors for you. In other words, if your site isn't listed at or near the most recognized, it may in addition not exist!

Ensure your site is ranked prominently for keyword phrases relevant to your product or service with a proven Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaign. There are three simple steps to se optimization:

Optimize your web pages with keywords in the page titles, meta tags, headlines, content and URLs;

Link your web pages to one another using keyword phrases; Acquire keyword optimized inbound links from industry authority sites that allude to your site.

All 3 steps are crucial, but the third step - obtaining keyword optimized inbound links (IBL's) - is the most crucial step. Unfortunately, most people don't comprehend this or just do this step all wrong. The absolute ways to obtain inbound links to your website are:

Acquiring and purchasing links (yes, purchasing them) on "authority websites" within your industry, getting listed in the absolute Internet Directories like Yahoo's Directory; Distributing keyword optimized press releases via services like, Distributing articles and information relevant to your product or service.

Usually only a handful of carefully selected links from the correct websites will expand your rankings tremendously. Hold on safe by only looking 'related' targeted inbound links (IBL's) from quality websites relevant to your web site's topic. SEO optimization takes time.

Mike Sherratt  is an Online Business Prosperity Coach Check out his blog for his awesome journey and how he gives away free training to everyone, watch this free presentation to see how you can get free leads for  Network Marketing Business

View the original article here

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