Wednesday, October 31, 2012

How To Find The Perfect Prospects And Explode Your MLM Business

What's the easiest way to recruit the perfect prospects for your network marketing business?

This is an important question because more than half of network marketers have no idea who they're marketing to and almost the other half doesn't know how to utilize an effective system in their marketing efforts.

Now, let me ask you this: Do you know who you're supposed to be marketing to?

Before you answer yes I want you to look at your results (usually your bank account) and then answer the question.

Targeting the wrong group of people is one of the biggest reasons why people quit network marketing, they just don't know it. They think the business model doesn't work and spent endless amounts of money trying to promote their business only to come out broke, frustrated, and angry.

It doesn't matter how much money you spend on advertising because if you target the wrong market, you lose your money. And even if a majority of your website traffic is from your target market and you don't have the correct capture forms that pull on the emotional triggers of your prospects, you lose again.

So How Do You Find Your Target Market For Your Perfect Prospects?

There are two ways to effectively find your target market and one way is to target the people who have already bought something related to what you are currently promoting for your primary business.

If you are promoting nutritional supplements designed for weight loss, then you should be studying the individuals who have already dished out cash for products similar to what you have. Also, where are they searching and why?

You should be going after people who are already buying weight loss shakes, diet pills, meal replacements, protein powders, etc. What they're already spending money on is the only proof you need. Those are your perfect prospects.

It has to be laser targeted and specifically similar to what your primary opportunity is. If you go after the entire weight loss niche, you'll end up with nobody. Remember, if you have proof that your target prospect is already spending money on nutritional products, and you are promoting nutritional products, then why would you target prospects who buy exercise equipment? They're not your perfect prospects.

It's not the same and don't fool yourself into thinking it is. For instance, somebody could be looking for a work from home job but has no interest what-so-ever in network marketing. They'd rather be a virtual assistant, bill collector, or stuffing envelopes. All of the work falls under the scope of "work from home" or "home based business" but are entirely different. Network marketers are business owners, the rest are employees.

Think of it like this:

If you are the owner of a sporting complex and you want to sell hotdogs, how would you choose to sell them if you had these two options?

Option 1

Fly over the stadium in a helicopter and drop hundreds of hotdogs into the stands.

Option 2

Have a hotdog vendor walk up and down the stadium bleachers with a crate full of hotdogs asking (in this case yelling) who would like a hotdog?

Which one is more targeted and will spend the least amount of money?

Option 1 can be likened to the network marketer who plasters (spamming) their opportunity link all over the social network platforms in hopes someone will step out from the crowd with any amount of interest. Why would you advertise something that you have no idea who has interest or even knows what you're talking about.

Option 2 can be compared to the network marketer who has blasted solo ads, ran PPC campaigns, placed ads in ezines, sent out direct mail postcards, etc. to their perfect and targeted prospect.

What I have explained so far is an effective way to find your perfect prospect, and I recommend to fully utilize the strategy above, but it's still not the most perfect prospect.

Who are your perfect prospects and how do you find them?

Your Perfect Prospects Are Other Network Marketers.

This could be network marketers coming out of retirement, ones that are failing and looking for a new opportunity, or ones that are just looking for a new opportunity.

More times than not, the network marketers you will gain interest from are the ones who are currently failing and want solutions. They're tired of trying the old outdated techniques that don't work anymore.

They're tired of spending money on internet and traffic tactics that don't work. They want answers and to finally start making the money they first expected when they became a network marketing distributor.

So what would be your perfect product be to offer on the front end? Something that gives them this information.

You want to position yourself as someone who can run a viable, profitable home based business... and... provide a solution that they can purchase for less than $100 for them to do the same, you've nailed down your perfect prospect.

This is why you should focus on these people:

They're already sold on the business models and know that it worksThese people are already action takers. No more "what if... " and only "I'm ready to build this... "Most importantly, they've proved they want success by buying your product to get educated to build a thriving MLM business

If this makes sense to you and you are extremely consistent with providing content that provides solutions, you will sponsor people into your primary business. As a matter of fact, you'll be enrolling new distributors faster than ever before. You will truly be the hunted.

It's easy to come up with more content than you ever thought was possible when you target this niche. Just find useful tools, information, and quality education that will teach them how to build their network marketing business successfully.

Always keep this in mind, you're number one goal should be looking for network marketers who are desperately searching for solutions to improve their business. That's your target market. Once you find your perfect prospects You will create endless leads, hundreds of retail customers, and hungry distributors for as long as your in this beautiful industry.

Learn more on how you can find your perfect prospects and other online network marketing techniques by visiting Eric McLaughlin's online network marketing success blog.

View the original article here

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