Monday, October 29, 2012

How To Earn An Extra $10,000 A Month

How often do you get to the end of the month and check your bank balance, only to find it almost running on empty? It is a common problem for all average income earners. They work hard, they pay their bills, but there is never anything left over. That could all change, with some good decisions and some extra effort. Do you like the sound of an extra $10,000 in your bank account each month? Who wouldn't. Well it is very possible to achieve, and if you want it enough you will make it happen.

What I am talking about is creating an extra income, from a home based business. Home businesses are the 'new trend' in earning extra income, and it is not as hard as you think. I'm not talking about starting a business from scratch, having to set up an office, purchase equipment, materials, supplies, advertising, hiring staff etc. I'm not talking about a sole trader type business, I am talking about becoming an independent business owner with a company that focuses on network marketing.

By joining a company such as this, you are still the owner of your own business, but you are not in business by yourself. You have the full support from the company, and they do all the hard work for you. They provide the training and support, they maintain the products and provide the ongoing product upgrades. The company handles all the internal structuring, customer support and major overhead expenses.

Your job is to grow your business and earn yourself an income. With a social network type of business, it is word of mouth that promotes. And the great thing in network marketing is it's a win win situation for you and the company, because your success means their success.

There are plenty of home based business concepts to choose from, but do your research. Look for a company that has stood the test of time, has a proven success record and has room for expansion. The other important aspect to consider is the compensation plan. It is vital that you fully understand the compensation plan, how it works and what is required for you to earn money. Be careful of company's that offer high income quickly, these can sometimes start out well, then lose their momentum. Don't let the money be the first thing you look at when deciding on a home business. While the whole reason you are considering starting your business is for the extra income, you want something that is going to last, and ideally, where the income will continually increase. The best business concepts where the money increases, are the ones that offer residual income. This is recurring income that grows over time, and will continue to grow long after the initial work you did to create it.

Residual income is what will earn you your extra ten thousand a month. But it will take time. I did not say it would be easy or happen quickly, but I guarantee it can happen if you want it enough. Home based businesses are great for many reasons, one of which is working it around what you are doing now. For most people, they can not afford to quit their job and just work from home, however, the wonderful thing about home businesses is working them part-time around what you are currently doing now, and then growing them to a point where you can quit your current job. Network marketing requires commitment and a minimum of 5 years.

Now before you start thinking, I can't commit to 5 years, think about this. If you keep doing what you are doing now, and change nothing, what will your life be like in 5 years. Any different? Probably not. So you have nothing to lose but everything to gain. That should be incentive enough. Even if you only made it half way, wouldn't an extra $5000 be better than nothing? I would think an extra one thousand dollars would make a big difference. Do the math. An extra $1000 per month equals $12,000 per year. What could you do with that sort of money. Pay the mortgage off sooner, upgrade your car, go on a long over due holiday. And that is just an extra thousand. With passion, power and persistence you can have that extra $10,000 per month. It's your life, your decision. What have you got to lose?

I am an Independent business owner with a company that provides a residual income and an excellent compensation plan. This company has stood the test of time, has huge plans for the future, and also provides a personal growth plan. I made the decision to commit myself and it is paying off. So many doors of opportunity have opened for me, and all thanks to this wonderful business. If you have made the decision to take action, I urge you to get started now. Click Here

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