Thursday, October 25, 2012

How to Conduct a Successful Search for a Network Marketing Opportunity

If you are a person who is searching for the best MLM or network marketing opportunity for you but are confused by the many opportunities out there, there are some simple keys to make this much easier for you to make an informed decision.

Although one can list a hundred criteria, I will share the big picture ones that will help you remove the bad from the good so you can do your due diligence before jumping in to whatever opportunity comes along.

Time: You have the time to do the research, to find an opportunity that you will like. If you don't like the company you choose and it feels more like a chore or a job than a fun and interesting way to make money for yourself or your family, then it's not going to be right for you. Additionally, ask questions about realistic time spent by others in the current business opportunity so you will know how much you have to invest. Working 80 hours a week in a Network Marketing company should not be anyone's goal. It will lead to burnout you will quit before it comes close to being a success.

Research: This is a key component in locating the right opportunity because you must find one that fits your personality, your lifestyle, your time availability and your ultimate financial goals. You should also look for one that is trending up, not stagnant or shrinking and these realistic numbers can be found quite easily with any Google search. Ask questions of people that are already doing it, while understanding that they are going to give you a spin or a pitch in the process. Filter out the pitch, and pay attention to the documentation. Documentation beats conversation. Research the company online, in trade journals and even in social media circles to get a real good overall vibe of the company and its culture. Does it meet with your expectations and more importantly your goals?

Common Sense: In this process, you will no doubt find many good choices that you will need to sift through. Some may be legitimate, some may not. Don't fall for the shiny object syndrome as many have done. Sit back, check your time criteria and do your research and contemplate if this is an opportunity you can see yourself working in 6 months, and in 6 years.

You need to achieve the success you deserve, so don't fall for hype or a slick sales pitch. It's your decision and ultimately your business.

I ended up choosing Visalus, or Body by Vi as a business as it fit my goals and lifestyle. I can't tell you which one is best for you, nor how to run it, but I can clearly explain how to choose the one that is right for you.

Like this article? Mark Powell searches for prime and trending opportunities in Network Marketing and coaches others in making their business a success. To check out what he is doing today after sifting through the masses, check out and consider the possibilities!

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