Saturday, October 27, 2012

Detach Yourself From the Outcome If You Want to Attract Quality Distributors

You ever wander into those Facebook groups and find yourself unable to detach yourself from the outcome of the conversation when you were prospecting with a potential business partner that, eventually they smelled the desperation coming out of their computer screen and walked away?

I sure have.

Granted, I wasn't that serious about prospecting to begin with and I had little to no training when it came to relationship building with prospects so it was natural that all it took was a little whiff at what I was saying and they dashed for the hills post-haste to escape my pitch raid.

It wasn't until I stopped myself and said, "Alright, I'm doing something wrong here. Time to buckle down and learn some goddamn prospecting" that I was finally able to build relationships with people on Facebook easily.

How do you do that? You must detach yourself from the outcome when talking to your prospect. Do not get caught in the trap where you care so much about recruiting that one particular person that you get on your knees and beg them to listen to you.

When you have a, "I don't care if I recruit you or not, there are other people out there" attitude, you actually end up recruiting higher quality people into your business because the ones that do join are more qualified since they persuaded themselves that your opportunity is ideal for them.

Why Is It So Hard to Detach Yourself from the Outcome When You're Prospecting?

Most internet marketers these days are, even though they might be aware of it, claim to be using attraction marketing but when it comes to prospecting, the desperation, hope and clinginess of recruiting that particular prospect becomes so clear that sending that unsolicited presentation link ends up annoying the heck out of the prospect and pushes them away.

Even though this may be the case, I think most of the time it's unintentional. They haven't had the proper training on how to connect with others and build that trust foundation first before pitching them.

Another reason is that they lack the abundance mentality. It's easy to get sucked into believing that someone is ideal for your business and if you don't recruit them, it's a major loss.

It isn't. Really.

The Importance of Posture and Why Detachment Turns You into a Magnet

It's a funny thing human psychology. The more you run away, the more they run towards you. It's a common dynamic in relationships and it's the same for prospecting as well.

When you show people that you don't care whether they join or not, it gives them that sense of urgency and panic that they are missing out on something good.

Build that trust first, get to know the reason why they decided to be a network or internet marketer, see how they are doing with their business and then say something along the lines of "Hey just thought I'd get this out there but would you be open to taking a look at what I do? If not it's all good" (Thank you Ray Higdon for that wonderful line).

Usually does the trick. Most of the time I get yes's.

If you are interested in learning more about prospecting and posturing, then click here. The best place for prospecting your business online is Facebook. Get the scoop on how to prospect effective on Facebook here.

View the original article here

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